Saturday, July 18, 2015

Performance of Convolutional Encoded and Uncoded 16 QAM Modulation with AWGN Channel

1. Objective

In the fast developing technology, people need faster communication. So engineers developed more efficient communication techniques. One of them is Forward Error Correction codes. By using FEC codes, we decrease the errors. So we get the same BER value with less SNR power. In this project we will use 16-QAM modulation type and we will use convolutional FEC code. We will compute the bit error rate performance with and without convolutional codes in AWGN channel. 

2. Procedure

We divided our project into 2 parts. First we compute bit error rate in AWGN channel by modulating our message with 16-QAM. Then we encoded and decoded our message and analyzed the error rate performance in AWGN channel. 

2.1 Performance of uncoded 16QAM in AWGN channel 

This is the easiest part of our project but provides basis to our project. First we created our message bits randomly. And converted to decimal value after merged 4 bits together. Because in 16-QAM system 1 symbol contains 4 bits. Now instead of number of message, we have decimal values with the . number of message. Then to modulate these symbols with 16-QAM, we converted these decimal values to corresponding complex values by looking at the constellation diagram of Gray-Coded diagram. We used Gray Coded because in gray-coded representation less errors occur. For example in this representation we coded 1110 as -1-3j. These complex numbers now became our modulated signal. And it is time to add Gaussian noise to these. The added noise can be changed with the desired SNR value. So actually we wish to examine the BER performance between 1:15 SNR ranges. This means we added noises with different powers to our modulated complex values. In this part we used awgn command. 

Modulation and channel processes are done. It is time to design the receiver. First we filtered the noisy signal and demodulated the filtered signal. We divided the constellation diagram to 16 portions to decide corresponding complex value of a point. So we decided every noisy bits location at constellation diagram. This was the filtering process. For example “-2.748+3.125j” point will be -3+3j. After this filtering process, we converted complex values into decimal again, and this process was called demodulation. After demodulation of complex symbols, we reconverted decimal values into binary. And this was the last process. By comparing the message bits and last bits, we calculated the bit error rate within 1:15 SNR range. Here you can see our BER plot right. We used semilogy function. And finally we completed the first part. In second part we will use these algorithms again. Because now we will put encoded bits into here and all processes will be the same between decoder and encoder.  

2.2 Performance of 1/2 rate convolutional coded 16QAM in AWGN channel 

It is time to code our message bits with convolutional code and observe its BER performance. In convolutional coding, we used shift registers to encode our bits. We used . coderated encoder with 2 flip-flop. We learnt their state diagram representation, and learnt their octal based representation. We used the [111,101]=[7,5] encoding scheme. Here is the picture of convolutional encoding scheme. As it seems there are one input and two outputs. We tried encoding process with 4 bits and obtained the true result. 

Most basic and most widely used decoding technique is the viterbi algorithm. We will use this algorithm for decoding. A convolutional encoder is actually a finite state machine. We wrote all possible transitions between state diagrams. We used trellis diagram for the encoder. And all possible paths is written and known. There are also branch metric and path metric terms that we should take attention while decoding process. This decoding strategy is also known as maximum likelihood decoder
Before writing the code in Matlab, we tried to understand the algorithm of viterbi from different books. How encoded bits can be decoded, we observed this process in trellis diagram by looking and writing step by step. We wrote the decoding process on paper. We saw what happened when a symbol was wrong transmitted, and we observed how trellis diagram could correct the error. 

The figure above shows the trellis diagram for our example rate 1/2 K = 3 convolutional encoder, for a 15-bit message:

The four possible states of the encoder are depicted as four rows of horizontal dots. There is one column of four dots for the initial state of the encoder and one for each time instant during the message. For a 15-bit message with two encoder memory flushing bits, there are 17 time instants in addition to t = 0, which represents the initial condition of the encoder. The solid lines connecting dots in the diagram represent state transitions when the input bit is a one. The dotted lines represent state transitions when the input bit is a zero. Notice the correspondence between the arrows in the trellis diagram and the state transition table. Also notice that since the initial condition of the encoder is State 002, and the two memory flushing bits are zeroes, the arrows start out at State 002 and end up at the same state. 
Let's look at that in more detail, using the expanded version of the transition between one time instant to the next shown below: 

The two-bit numbers labeling the lines are the corresponding convolutional encoder channel symbol outputs. Remember that dotted lines represent cases where the encoder input is a zero, and solid lines represent cases where the encoder input is a one 

let's start looking at how the Viterbi decoding algorithm actually works. Suppose we receive the above encoded message with a couple of bit errors: 

Each time we receive a pair of channel symbols, we're going to compute a metric to measure the "distance" between what we received and all of the possible channel symbol pairs we could have received. Going from t = 0 to t = 1, there are only two possible channel symbol pairs we could have received: 002, and 112. That's because we know the convolutional encoder was initialized to the all-zeroes state, and given one input bit = one or zero, there are only two states we could transition to and two possible outputs of the encoder. These possible outputs of the encoder are 00 2 and 112 
The metric we're going to use for now is the Hamming distance between the received channel symbol pair and the possible channel symbol pairs. The Hamming distance is computed by simply counting how many bits are different between the received channel symbol pair and the possible channel symbol pairs. The results can only be zero, one, or two. The Hamming distance (or other metric) values we compute at each time instant for the paths between the states at the previous time instant and the states at the current time instant are called branch metrics. For the first time instant, we're going to save these results as "accumulated error metric" values, associated with states. For the second time instant on, the accumulated error metrics will be computed by adding the previous accumulated error metrics to the current branch metrics. 

At t = 1, we received 002. The only possible channel symbol pairs we could have received are 002 and 112. The Hamming distance between 002 and 002 is zero. The Hamming distance between 002 and 112 is two. Therefore, the branch metric value for the branch from State 002 to State 002 is zero, and for the branch from State 002 to State 102 it's two. Since the previous accumulated error metric values are equal to zero, the accumulated metric values for State 002 and for State 102 are equal to the branch metric values. The accumulated error metric values for the other two states are undefined. The figure below illustrates the results at t = 1: 

Note that the solid lines between states at t = 1 and the state at t = 0 illustrate the predecessor-successor relationship between the states at t = 1 and the state at t = 0 respectively 

Now let's look what happens at t = 2. We received a 112 channel symbol pair. The possible channel symbol pairs we could have received in going from t = 1 to t = 2 are 002 going from State 002 to State 002, 112 going from State 002 to State 102, 102 going from State 102 to State 01 2, and 012 going from State 102 to State 11 2. The Hamming distance between 002 and 112 is two, between 112 and 112 is zero, and between 10 2 or 012 and 112 is one. We add these branch metric values to the previous accumulated error metric values associated with each state that we came from to get to the current states. At t = 1, we could only be at State 002 or State 102. The accumulated error metric values associated with those states were 0 and 2 respectively. The figure below shows the calculation of the accumulated error metric associated with each state, at t = 2 

That's all the computation for t = 2. What we carry forward to t = 3 will be the accumulated error metrics for each state, and the predecessor states for each of the four states at t = 2, corresponding to the state relationships shown by the solid lines in the illustration of the trellis. 
Now look at the figure for t = 3. Things get a bit more complicated here, since there are now two different ways that we could get from each of the four states that were valid at t = 2 to the four states that are valid at t = 3., we compare the accumulated error metrics associated with each branch, and discard the larger one of each pair of branches leading into a given state. If the members of a pair of accumulated error metrics going into a particular state are equal, we just save that value. The other thing that's affected is the predecessor-successor history we're keeping. For each state, the predecessor that survives is the one with the lower branch metric. If the two accumulated error metrics are equal, simply pick one of them consistently, i.e. the upper branch or the lower branch. It probably doesn't matter which method you use. The operation of adding the previous accumulated error metrics to the new branch metrics, comparing the results, and selecting the smaller (smallest) accumulated error metric to be retained for the next time instant is called the add-compare-select operation. The figure below shows the results of processing t = 3: 

Note that the third channel symbol pair we received had a one-symbol error. The smallest accumulated error metric is a one, and there are two of these. 

Let's see what happens now at t = 4. The processing is the same as it was for t = 3. The results are shown in the figure: 

Notice that at t = 4, the path through the trellis of the actual transmitted message, shown in bold, is again associated with the smallest accumulated error metric. Let's look at t = 5: 

At t = 5, the path through the trellis corresponding to the actual message, shown in bold, is still associated with the smallest accumulated error metric. This is the thing that the Viterbi decoder exploits to recover the original message. 
Perhaps you're getting tired of stepping through the trellis. I know I am. Let's skip to the end. 

At t = 17, the trellis looks like this, with the clutter of the intermediate state history removed: 

The decoding process begins with building the accumulated error metric for some number of received channel symbol pairs, and the history of what states preceded the states at each time instant t with the smallest accumulated error metric. Once this information is built up, the Viterbi decoder is ready to recreate the sequence of bits that were input to the convolutional encoder when the message was encoded for transmission. This is accomplished by the following steps: 
  • First, select the state having the smallest accumulated error metric and save the state number of that state. 
  • Iteratively perform the following step until the beginning of the trellis is reached: Working backward through the state history table, for the selected state, select a new state which is listed in the state history table as being the predecessor to that state. Save the state number of each selected state. This step is called trace back. 
  • Now work forward through the list of selected states saved in the previous steps. Look up what input bit corresponds to a transition from each predecessor state to its successor state. That is the bit that must have been encoded by the convolutional encoder. 
And here is the BER graph of our coded system. As expected this has better bit error performance. 

3. Conclusion

Almost in every application of communication, good error performance is needed for good communication. To reach the desired good error rates, supplying high power is not logical at all. New techniques are required and convolutional coding is the one of these techniques. Frequency spectral efficiency is another important when designing a communication system. And this bandwidth situation is another topic to consider. By using 16-QAM modulation type, we decrease the required bandwidth for desired bit rate  compared to BPSK. 

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  1. For Source Code;
