Sunday, July 26, 2015

Cmos Transistor Designs with Magic VLSI- Part 4: Layout and Simulation of Cascode Current Mirrors

Layout of cascade current mirrors

Cmos Transistor Designs with Magic VLSI- Part 3: Nmos Load Common Source Amplifier

In this work i used width to length ratios as;


Layout of the design

Cmos Transistor Designs with Magic VLSI- Part 2: D Latch

Here the layout of D Latch

Then you need to modify your netlist as(for detailed information click)

Cmos Transistor Designs with Magic VLSI- Part 1: Nand Gate

Cmos transistor design environment is the key factor to design any kind of IC. For this project we choose MAGIC VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) to design layout of the IC. You can download and install MAGIC VLSI from here.

After installation you are ready to design an IC as you wish. For an example there is a tutorial video that can be the best start;

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

RF Data Transceiver


Data transferring can be supplied by using wireline and wireless systems. In our project we need to use one of the wireless data transfer type that is RF data transfer system. Our project is based on the data transfer that has both transmitter and receiver part called transceiver. The main objective of this project is constructing the system that transfers the information (this is text in our project) from one computer to another computer by using circuit. The communication between these two computers could be supplied by using transmitter and receiver part with the distance at least 5 meters. Transmitter and receiver part include modulation, demodulation, power amplifier, antenna and filter.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Particle Accelerator Cavities

 Particles receive an accelerating or de-accelerating force when they are injected into a cavity structure depending on the type, phase of the excited mode and resonant frequency of the cavity. This reaction is basically based on the shape of accelerator called as “Cavity”.In principles  cavity is a metallic empty chamber,filled with vacuum which stores electrical field and magnetic field that provides acceleration of particles

Resonance Frequency and Cavity Resonators

Resonance Frequency

Resonance is, is the frequency, response of system’s to the affects depending on the frequency for which system responses with greater amplitude. When the system has the maximum amplitude response (relatively), we can call these frequencies as resonance frequency. For resonance frequencies small effects causes greater changes. Also resonance occurs in the system when the system have capacity of two or more different types of energy which can be stored and transferred energy easily. [1]

Cavity Resonators

At the lower mode of frequencies, the oscillation and amplification is carried out by conventional wires and transistors networks. At the higher mode of frequencies above 3 MHz conventional wires and transistors networks are not applicable due to the skin effect and stray inductance/capacitance. The cavity resonator has been used for the system which has frequencies above than 3 Mhz. Most resonant cavities are made from closed (or short-circuited) sections of waveguide or high-permittivity dielectric material. The input and output ports are designed to carry RF signals. Resonator’s conducting sides works as inductors and it’s open sides works as capacitors specified length of the microwave frequencies. With explained information cavity resonators works as an amplifier for it increases the frequency of the system. Besides electric and magnetic energy is stored in the cavities, the only losses are due to finite conductivity of cavity walls and dielectric losses of material filling the cavity.[2]

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Performance of Convolutional Encoded and Uncoded 16 QAM Modulation with AWGN Channel

1. Objective

In the fast developing technology, people need faster communication. So engineers developed more efficient communication techniques. One of them is Forward Error Correction codes. By using FEC codes, we decrease the errors. So we get the same BER value with less SNR power. In this project we will use 16-QAM modulation type and we will use convolutional FEC code. We will compute the bit error rate performance with and without convolutional codes in AWGN channel. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Interpolation Techniques with Matlab


Objective of this project is to compare interpolation techniques by using Matlab. In the first part of the project we eliminated half of the columns of random data(eliminating 50 percent of the data), in the second part we eliminated half of the columns and rows of an image (eliminating 75 percent of the data) and applied the interpolation techniques to be able to obtain original data or image.

Interpolation Techniques for a Random Data

Firstly 64x64 size random data generated. To interpolate this data we eliminate half of the columns so that we have 64x32 size data.  In matlab there are 7 types of interpolation techniques (Nearest, Linear, Spline, Pchip, Cubic, V5cubic and FT). We applied all techniques one by one and found MSE (Mean Square Error)

Volunteer Experiences


  • Defense and Aviation Industry Panel 2013- Defense Industry R&D– Organization Team Leader
  • Defense and Aviation Industry Panel 2014- National Projects – General Organizer 
  • Defense and Aviation Industry Panel 2015- National Information Security – Mentor

  • Bio-Entrepreneurship
  • Preparing
  • Mathematicians in Sector
  • Conversation of Technology- Microsoft
  • Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship-Prof Dr. Yunus Cengel
  • Library Week
  • Chemical Industry
  • Eczacibasi Technical Trip
  • Tai Technical Trip
  • Sirince Trip
  • Visit of Anitkabir


  • IRL 12-Iztech Roboleague Technical Team
  • IRL 13-Iztech Roboleague Technical Team